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Katavi National Park

The Katavi National Park, wild and untouched, is located on a high, wide plain in the southwest of Tanzania between the Ugalla River and the southeast coast of Lake Tanganyika: the designated place for a real "Out of Africa" safari.

The landscape consists of large marshes ('flood plains'), open grasslands, savannas and lakes, leaving Africa to be seen as it was for the last thousands of years. During your game drives you will notice that the lions, leopards and hyenas in this park have no shortage of food: impalas, topis, antelopes, hartebeests, zebras and immense large herds of buffaloes graze in the short-grass plains.  Of course, not forgetting the impressive appearance of the elephant...The bird lovers can also enjoy and spot over 400 bird species here, so don't forget your binoculars! 

In the south of the park at the Chada lake, you will find the largest concentration of hippos and crocodiles in Tanzania.  You should, therefore, not be surprised if you encounter 'hippo pools' with more than 40 animals. 

The name, Katavi, is derived from the legendary warriors, the Katabi, which the locals believe that their spirit houses in a tamarind tree. This tree will be hung with wreaths to beg for the blessings of the hunters. 

Fly Camping

Also in Katavi, you have the possibility of fly camping;  you pull a few days with a guide through the park and overnight in small tents beneath the stunning stars.



Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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