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Mahale Mountains National Park

As the ultimate site for chimpanzee safaris, Mahale is one of the most remote and breathtaking scenic areas in East Africa; mountains, forests and crystal clear waters of Lake Tanganyika provide a unique African safari destination. 

The Mahale Mountains, famous for its large population of chimpanzees, is located on the edge of Lake Tanganyika, about 160 km south of Kigoma. The forested mountains rise up from the crystal clear waters of the lake to more than 2600 meters above sea level. It is situated about 800 km from Arusha, a flight of about four hours, but the park is so gorgeous and unique that every minute of the trip is worth it. Mahale Mountains is probably the best place in Africa on a quest for wild chimpanzees. 

The forested slopes of the mountains are awesome and extend to the edge of Lake Tanganyika, where the sandy beaches and fresh water have no comparison - the lake alone makes this a magical area.  There are absolutely no roads or cars in the park and the forest is accessible only by boat or on foot. 

Not only the chimpanzees, but also the Mahale forest is a magical place to discover. The area is crossed by rivers and waterfalls and is home to eight other primate species, such as black and white colobus, red colobus monkeys with red tails. Numerous other mammal species have been spotted in the park, like some Bushpig. The leopard, although not rare, is often heard but rarely spotted. There are over 300 species of butterflies and the western slopes of the Mahale Mountains are unique, because some species live here that are adapted to the savannah of  east and south Africa, and some species are adapted to the woodlands of west and central Africa and the Congo Basin.

OUR TOP ACCOMMODATIONS Mahale Mountains National Park


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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