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Scenic landscapes, majestic mountains and waterfalls, an abundance of wildlife, a kaleidoscope of cultures, imposing mountains, this all makes Mpumalanga's one of the most popular tourist destinations.

Attractions and activities include safaris, bird watching, trout fishing, rafting, hiking, paragliding, abseiling, trips with horse-powered vehicles, ballooning, cultural villages and historic sites.

Mpumalanga is an area that we can visit all year round, with a climate and a topography that ranges from cool highland grasslands, through steep slopes and midfield to subtropical lowlands. The province has recently been divided into seven tourism regions, each with its own unique characteristics and a variety of attractions.

Panorama route

Offers scenic journeys to places like the stunning Blyde River Canyon, the living museum of Pilgrim's Rest, the beautiful waterfalls of Sabie and Graskop. The adventurous activities include gold panning, rafting, hiking, ballooning, bungee jumping.

Highland Meander

The pristine waters of the region provide excellent opportunities for trout fishing, while mountain climbing and mountain biking are among the other activities. It is also a paradise for bird watchers - the Lost Valley Nature Reserve (Dullstroom) protects three endangered crane species - the blue, the bearded and crowned.

Cultural Heartland

Here you can find the traditional African culture. In the Botshabelo Historical Village you can learn about the lifestyle of the proud and affectionate amaNdebele, known for the striking geometric patterns on their homes and clothes.

Cosmos Country

This region is famous for its carpet of Cosmos flowers which blooms in late summer in South Africa (March-April).

Wild Frontier

Visitors to this region will be rewarded with rare examples of San rock art.

Grass and Wetlands

Grassland and marshes, with mountains, lakes, pans and heat sources, an ideal area for bird watching.

Lowveld Legogote

Here you will find many attractions - the Sudwala Caves, Kruger National Park, the Lowveld Botanical Gardens, the centre for artisans and artists and White River and the Crocriver Enviro Park - Africa's largest reptile park.


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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