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Ndutu Ndutu Area is named after the lake and is located on the border of the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. These are the most productive and nutritious grasslands in the world.

After the rains in November, the wildebeest arrive here. They need the mineral-rich grass to feed their young. In February and March a great spectacle takes place here four weeks in a row. Then the young wildebeest are born and grasslands are filled with thousands of young calves. After the birth of thousands of calves at the beginning of the year the wildebeest remain for a few months in this area, together with hartebeest (type of antelope), gazelles and migratory birds.
When the rain stops, in May and June, and the plain dries, the wildebeest move from the west again back to the north. They will be accompanied by white storks, plains harriers and peregrine falcons.

Baron Hugo van Lawick

For over thirty years the Dutch nature filmmaker Baron Hugo van Lawick filmed from Ndutu in the Serengeti. Van Lawick placed the focus in his films on the individuality of animals. Other scientists resented this up until recently. Because of the dramatic structure of his films he also effortlessly made cinema with his films like The Leopard Son and Serengeti Symphony.



Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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