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Pemba Island

Pemba is a magical island. Unlike Zanzibar, it is hilly; the green hills and valleys are covered with cloves, coconut and mango plantations. A more fertile soil is almost impossible to imagine. The island is an ideal destination for a luxury vacation, honeymoon or a short break.

But it's not just the landscape that gives Pemba a magical reputation: for centuries it was the centre of the traditions of medicine and magic.
There is a special atmosphere in Pemba. How can such a beautiful island be so devoid of tourists? On an island with about 300,000 residents it receives no more than a few dozen foreigners.
It's like the people of Pemba have a secret and do not want to share it. But this says nothing about the friendliness of the people, on the contrary! The people are hospitable and friendly and like to chat with visitors.

The beautiful underwater world of Pemba is a true diver's paradise.There are many stunning dive sites in the waters around the island.

Staying on Pemba is like travelling into unexplored territory. There is after all a wonderful relaxed atmosphere on the island.



Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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