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Serengeti National Park

Probably the most famous game park in the world. It is the most complex and untouched ecosystem on earth.

In the language of the Masai, the original, colourful people of Kenya and Tanzania, Serengeti means "endless plains". It is home to millions of wild animals, including the so-called Big Five: elephants, rhinos, lions (c. 1500), leopard and buffalo. Around 520 different bird species spread their wings here.

Every year when the rainy season arrives, one of the greatest wildlife spectacles on earth takes place. Around two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles, driven by an ancient instinct, walk through the plains in search of places with fresh grass and water. In their wake, chased by lions, cheetahs and wild dogs, monitored by vultures circling in the air.

With BMS-Travellers you can witness this extraordinary spectacle of mother nature ...


The migration of gnus (wildebeests), zebras and gazelles are found here year around. As it becomes dry in the south of Serengeti, approximately 1.5 million gnus are drawn across the vast grasslands of the Serengeti towards Masai Mara in Kenya, in search for food. [ READ MORE ]


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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