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Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls in Zambia, one of the most spectacular natural wonders, are within walking distance from Botswana. The locals call it "Mosi-oa-Tunya", or the smoke that thunders.

The magic of the falls is reflected in the towering columns of water and mist, the deafening thunder of the falling water, the terrifying depth of the cliff and the soothing lagoons in the upper reaches of the river where hippos and deadly crocodiles lurk.

The Victoria Falls (now a national park) will impress any visitor just as they did David Livingstone in 1860. They are a spectacular sight all year, but after February, after the rainy season, the water is highest and the experience is even more fantastic.

A round flight (the "Flight of Angels") offers a fabulous view of the falls and the upper reaches of the river with its many islands. Rafting over the wild waters in the gorge is a popular adventure. Visitors can also kayak, canoe, take a walking safari accompanied by a guide and go horse riding.



Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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