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Hwange National Park

Hwange National Park (‘Wenkie’ = peace), is the largest game reserve in Zimbabwe. The park lies in the west on the major road between Bulawayo and the famous Victoria waterfalls.

The central and southern part of the Hwange are expanses of the Kalahari desert. This part consists mainly of sandy plains with little water and vegetation here and there. The northern part is mostly forested with mopane trees and acacias.
The park covers over 14,600 km2, and is a place of great contrasts between the wet and dry seasons. During the desperately difficult times of the dry months, many animals struggle to survive. But they survive by the limited vegetation and by the help of many man-made waterholes, up until the rains transform the park back into green plains.


Hwange is home to the Big Five of Africa, often in large numbers. There are thousands of elephants and buffalos. Lions are often seen, but the leopard and the rhino are always a bonus to see.
There are 105 species of mammals that live in the park, including 10 large herbivores and eight large carnivores. Hwange is the only protected area where gemsbok and brown hyena are found in adequate numbers. In Hwange, you can encounter African wild dogs, one of the largest surviving groups in Africa.

There are about 400 bird species to be found mainly in the wet seasons, making it a paradise for the birdwatching enthusiast. The abundance of food marks the beginning of the breeding season, and crowned cranes show off in a comical dance and red bishops display their spectacular scarlet breeding ornamental-covered feathers. The largest of all is the Kori Bustard, who dwells on the ground and who will only take to the air if absolutely necessary.

Apart from the usual game drives in open safari vehicles, you can also (under the guidance of a qualified guide and ranger) have special walking safaris here. During these walks you get close to the wildlife and learn more about the natural wonders.


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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