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Positioned in the northwest, AlUla is a stunning example of Saudi Arabia’s wonderful heritage. Its main city of the same name is located on the original pilgrimage route to Makkah. Visitors to AlUla are immersed in a area of ancient civilizations spanning more than 200,000 years of human history.

Centred around its famed oasis and framed by sandstone mountains, AlUla’s geography, geology and climate have enabled successive civilisations to flourish here.
Today, AlUla is rich in both human heritage and natural beauty, acting as a home for a wide range of flora, fauna and a living museum of human societies spanning thousands of years.

Visit the rock tombs of Hegra and the Nabataean Oasis, the ancient capital of Dadan and its Lion Tombs, the “open library” of inscriptions in the rocks at Jabal Ikmah, the labyrinth of mudbrick houses in the 12th-century AlUla Old Town, the 18th century Fort of Hegra, the Hijaz Railway Station and much more.


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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