Lake Nakuru National Park

Nakuru provides the visitor one of the best known images of Kenya: Thousands of flamingos, together forming a massive flock, fringe the saltwater lake. A vibrant pink carpet colours the water of this saltwater lake, while you take-in a breathtaking view of flamingos.

The lake is world famous because of these birds, which visit the lake to feed on algae that is found on the lake bed. They move back and forth, eating and sometimes when they fly, the sky above the lake is a pink colour. The lake is extremely variable in size - ranging from 5 to 30 km² in size. 

Nonetheless, Nakuru has more than just flamingos. This is a great National park and an important sanctuary for rhinos. Both the black and the white rhinos live here, and are often seen while they rest under the acacia trees on the banks of the lake. The park is full of wildlife. There are huge herds of waterbuck, zebra, buffalo, the endangered Rothschild giraffe and much more. This is one of the best places in Kenya to see leopard and several large packs of lions. 

Exploring the area around the lake is always rewarding, and there are forests, cliffs, waterfalls and much more to find.

OUR TOP ACCOMMODATIONS Lake Nakuru National Park


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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