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Kaoko Region

The Kaoko region, also known under the name of Kaokoveld, Kaokoland or the Kunene region, is located northwest of Namibia, between Etosha, Damaraland, Skeleton Coast and the Kunene River, which forms the border with Angola.

Kaokoveld is viewed as one of the last untouched and remote areas of Namibia. Tourism has also been introduced here in the past years, although concentrated in a few small towns and the roads between them. The bulk of this area, particularly in the west, is scarcely populated or not populated entirely.  The Himba and Herero that live here are hunters, gatherers and pastoralists. 

In the far north of Kaokoveld lies the Epupa waterfalls. The landscape is green here, a welcome change to the dry environment from the rest of Kaokoveld. Epupa Falls is in fact one real waterfall that plunges down 70 meters, but with a great area with lots of small waterfalls around it, along which the broad river finds its way down. 

Travelling west of the Kaoko region is to say the least, adventurous and only possible with a 4x4 vehicle with GPS navigation. In this area lies also the infamous and especially steep Van Zyl's Pass. This is known as the 'high-school' for terrain riders, and only the experts can descend in the east-west direction.



Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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