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Skeleton Coast National Park

This 2 million acres park is one of the most inhospitable and least visited places on earth. It gets its name from the ghostly shipwrecks which are stranded on this remote and inaccessible white coastline.

Only four-wheel drive vehicles dare to go here. There is danger of getting stuck in the soft sand and be without fresh water. A fly-in safari is the only other option to come here.

The main attraction is the pristine and mysterious beauty of the place where a fresh sea breeze is often accompanied by a dense fog. This explains the many shipwrecks and the unique ecosystem that gives life to a great diversity of plants.

The strange 'Elephant's Foot' plant has anchored itself in rock crevices while desert succulents like Lithops exactly resemble pebbles until a tiny yellow flower emerges.

The sand dunes created by wind and flat plains are interspersed with rugged canyons with walls of colourful volcanic rocks and extensive mountain ranges. Although elephants are not expected to be found here, quite the opposite is true. They have even been filmed while sliding down along the high sand dunes.

OUR TOP ACCOMMODATIONS Skeleton Coast National Park


Herenweg 238b, 3648 CR Wilnis
The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 04 10 400

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